Here’s some of the projects I’ve worked on through hackathons and clubs since high school. (Full descriptions are a WIP)
HackTJ 8.0 - Crash Central
- An interactive web app to display dangerous accident hotspots from crash data.
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Los Altos V - from city import pandemic
- A tool for local governments to correlate demographics with COVID case rate for vaccine allocation.
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MasseyHacks VII - Park Alert
- A web app to find parking spots while avoiding parking fines.
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HackIllinois 2022 - infected & detected
- A machine learning model to detect diseased plants and a real-time web app to find diseased crops.
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Various Capture the Flags (CTF)
- Cybersecurity related “puzzle” events including CSAW RED, picoCTF, UMDCTF, and Maryland Cyber Challenge.
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