Blue Origin

Avionics Software Intern (Summer 2023)

Developing camera software for the New Glenn rocket. More Info

Illinois Space Society Spaceshot Avionics

Software and GNC Team Member (2022-Present)

Developing simulations and control aglorithms for the Spaceshot rocket. More Info

University of Illinois CyberGIS Center

Researcher (Fall 2021)

Developed JupyterLab extensions for kernel management and navigation. More Info

University of Maryland MIND Lab

Summer Intern (Summer 2020)

Created an interactive map of university buildings and classrooms and filtered phone location data. More Info

Summer Intern (Summer 2020)

Optimized the Magic VLSI Layout Tool and quantified performance gains. More Info

FIRST Robotics Competition Team 4099

Mentor (2022-Present), Controls Lead (2019-2021)

Programmed robot subsystems and developed custom path planning for holonomic drivetrain. More Info

FIRST Tech Challenge Team 13100

Mentor (2021 - Present), Captain (2020-2021)

Implemented odometry and path planning algorithms and taught strategic design practices. More Info